Reasons Why You Need ELA Home Tutor

August 7, 2023

English is a fundamental component of everyday life. It intersects many different areas of our development, such as comprehension, articulation, collaboration, etc. If your child needs help with their handle on English, an English home tutor is the solution. 

Hiring an English home tutor comes with several benefits that can significantly impact and bolster your child’s development with the English language. In this article, we’ll look more in-depth at the advantages and benefits of hiring a home tutor.

Why Should I Get My Child An English Home Tutor?

Aside from improving school performance and grades, an English tutor reinforces and strengthens many other interpersonal skills. Skills such as improved and more effective communication, increased confidence in public speaking, expansion of their vocabulary, and more refined comprehension skills are just some of the areas where English tutors play a vital role. 

In addition to interpersonal skills, English tutors help reduce the stress, frustration, and confusion a struggling student can feel. A recent study on the effectiveness of tutoring found that tutoring programs produce consistent and substantial positive impacts on learning outcomes. The same study also found that the effect of tutoring is stronger, on average, with professional tutoring programs than nonprofessional and parent tutoring. 

4 Reasons Your Child Needs an English Home Tutor

Enhances Your Child’s Command of English

English is a vehicle for effective communication and comprehension across multiple disciplines. A UCLA study highlighted that children who are struggling with reading comprehension can experience a deficit in other areas like oral language skills, decoding abilities, language comprehension, and inference-making. 

A private tutor can help your child master these pivotal skills by enhancing their comprehension ability and, in turn, building their confidence to navigate other subjects confidently. 

Tutors Help with Writing Composition and Organization

A major area where students struggle is organizing their thoughts and articulating them in different pieces of content. Whether it be personal essays, reports, or short stories, writing is essential to many courses.  On average, writing tasks can take up to half of the school day. Tutors can help create, personalize, and implement meaningful organization methods to help your child understand and convey their thoughts in an efficient and impactful manner. 

Between 10% and 30% of children experience difficulty with writing throughout all school levels. An English home tutor is beneficial from elementary school all the way to high school. As your child progresses through the curriculum, their needs will change. Tutors can provide flexibility and versatility in lesson plans catering to your child’s development. 

English Tutors Can Help Make the College Transition Easier

Post-secondary English requires a more refined and enhanced technical ability of the fundamentals learned in high school. This transition to more academic-centred English can feel very off-putting to many students, but having an English tutor can help make this transition feel less jarring and intimidating. 

English tutors help students attain the necessary literacy skills to help comprehend and decipher more technical and complex texts. Additionally, tutors support students' critical thinking skills, which become even more imperative in post-secondary education. 

Tutoring Can Impact Areas Outside of The Classroom

Many of the skills and attributes taught in school can also be extended into the student’s personal life. Academic improvements are a huge incentive in itself, but studies also show that non-academic outcomes, including mental health and life satisfaction, were reported by students who had personalized tutoring. 

Another aspect that English tutors assist with is verbal comprehension through active listening and recognition of body language. These particular skills are essential in a classroom setting but also have benefits outside of school. Whether listening to the questions in a job interview or recognizing social nuances, active listening and observation skills equip your child with the tools to be a well-rounded individual and student. 

Benefits of English In-Home Tutors

The benefit of choosing a home English tutor versus other forms of tutoring is that you prioritize the most effective way to maximize your child’s learning.

Benefits of home tutoring include:

Comfort of Your Own Home:

In-home tutoring is one of the most effective ways to enhance development and learning. Whether you prefer online or in-person tutoring, doing it in the comfort of your home is a great advantage. 

Professional Feedback From Tutors:

Depending on the tutoring company you choose to go with, if you choose a local English tutor, you also get the advantage of instant feedback, accessibility, individualized attention, and, finally, quicker results. 

The Best Home English Tutors in Calgary 

Finding the right home English tutor can feel daunting. There can be a lot of worry associated with sorting through multiple agencies. No parent wants to waste time, money, and effort with the wrong company. Here at Calgary Home Tutoring, we have over 15 years of experience helping develop and shape students' learning to reach their goals. 

Our personalized tutoring services ensure your child gets the counselling they need while ensuring the growth of fundamental skills. Contact us today to learn more about our English tutoring.


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With over 17 years of experience, we have worked with a large number of students and their families, tutors, teachers, schools, social workers, and police officers. We know our curriculum very well, as well as requirements for acceptance into post secondary institutions. 

Tutoring is all 1-1. We work personally with the students and get to know their families. In some cases quite well. We are providing this service for a reason, and if those needs are not being met it is our job to make sure we fix that.
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