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Develop Good Study Habitswith Calgary Home Tutoring

The importance of study skills is often an overlooked component of learning. Having good study skills is generally quite critical to successful learning. Once you have developed good study habits you will carry those skills with you for the rest of your life. Sometimes students don’t end up developing good study habits until later in their education. I have spoken with tutors at length about their own personal experiences and many express that they wish they had spent more time focusing on the importance of great study habits and skills earlier in their education.

At Calgary Home Tutoring we feel that teaching great study and organization skills is an important component of regular tutoring. If the tutor sees a very messy binder and equally messy backpack or knows of completed assignments not being handed in then they will want to address that concern. Nothing worse than a student working hard on an assignment and doing a great job on it and then forgetting to hand it in or worse losing it somewhere!
Study skills we can help students with include:

Learning Style:

How do you learn? Finding out how you personally learn is a great first step in strengthening study skills. A lot of people are visual learners but some are auditory or tactile learners.

Organization Skills:

Being organized is crucial to effective learning. Calgary Home Tutoring tutors can help you learn how to better organize your assignments and papers as well as your time. We can also help you learn to organize your study material so that you can develop better and more effective study habits.

Memorization Skills:

A very important skill to have for any subject! Calgary Home Tutoring tutors can help you figure out how you personally retain information. Everyone is different. For some reading out loud helps, others need to look at visuals such as pictures, charts or graphs. Tutors can help you devise strategies for improving your memory and offer little tricks that they have learned through the years.

Effective Note taking:

When you are taking notes in the classroom it is important for you to take them quickly and effectively so that they can be of use later on when needed. Out tutors can offer helpful hints on note-taking.

Effective Reading:

Tutors can help students strengthen their reading skills and teach them how to read certain material for different purposes, such as analytical or critical reading. They can help train you how to spot relevant keywords and how to skim and scan texts quickly.

Time Management:

Calgary Home tutoring tutors can help students learn to manage their time better so that they are not feeling overwhelmed and getting frustrated to the point of not being able to get the work or studying done. We all have such busy lives today! Time management strategies can go a long way in helping you to succeed.

Test Anxiety:

Many students struggle with test anxiety! Three key ingredients to help with test anxiety are preparation, organization, and practice. If you have all your bases covered you can walk into the exam feeling good about it. However sometimes you have done all of those things and you sit down and your mind goes blank. Anxiety sets in. This is where coping strategies come into play. Our experienced tutors can help you find the strategies that might work for you.

Our Subjects | How Can We Help?

At Calgary Home Tutoring, we work with Alberta curriculum and focus on what the student is currently working on in school. We often take a step back to build up skills from a lower grade level if there is that need. Many students are behind grade level. We try to find a balance of keeping the student up to date on what they are doing currently, while also working on skill catch up. 

We also focus on test prep such as SAT, ACT, GRE and SSAT. Our test prep tutors are specialized and experienced with the exams.

Calgary Home Tutoring can help post-secondary students who are currently upgrading a high school level course. We can also help students with post-secondary level math and English courses. We strive to have tutors available who are familiar with post-secondary level courses as knowledge of the curriculum in your course is crucial. Give us a call and we will be happy to help!   
Calgary Home Tutoring helps students of all ages, levels and subjects, based on Alberta's Curriculum.
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