The benefits of hiring an online tutor for social studies

May 6, 2021

Unlike some subjects, such as math or science that involve hard facts and equations, social studies raise more questions than hard facts about a society’s history. It’s focused on human beings and interrelationships - and for students, this means lessons centred on critical thinking, reasoning, reading comprehension, and real-world understanding. Having a tutor by your side to help you learn and understand the concepts provides an opportunity to dive deeper into the subject with different perspectives. If you’re looking for a social studies tutor, here’s how going the online route can benefit you.

A wider selection of tutors

One of the greatest advantages we have in our digital world is having access to resources around the world. With an online database of tutors at your fingertips, you can search through their profiles and learn more about their teaching methods to determine if it’s a good match for your learning style. Of course, if you’re looking for a social studies tutor in Alberta, you’ll want to make sure that you’re hiring a tutor who is well-versed in the Alberta curriculum.

The ability to record lessons and use interactive tools

Unlike a traditional classroom or in-person tutoring, you can record lessons and use the latest innovative online tools to supplement your learning. This helps you learn at your pace and go back to rewatch lessons in detail. Additionally, interactive tools such as whiteboards and document collaboration, allow for visual learning and real-time collaboration so you don’t miss a beat. For social studies, in particular, having group chats and discussions about the topic is a great opportunity to practice real-world debates and cultural understanding. A great social studies skill tutor will encourage interaction and engagement within their group of students.

Online tutoring encourages self-directed learning

When you hire an online tutor, you are inadvertently learning to be accountable for yourself. Some students can view it as a disadvantage to not have a physical teacher reminding them of assignments and only showing up to scheduled sessions. However, there is an opportunity here to practice self-directed learning. Ultimately, this skill becomes invaluable as students move through post-secondary school and out into the workforce.


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