Our Home Tutoring Blog

August 14, 2024
The Benefits of Personalized Math Home Tutoring For High School Students

High school is a pivotal time in a student’s academic journey, and math is one of the most critical subjects that can impact their future success. Whether it’s mastering algebra, calculus, or trigonometry, the complexities of high school math can be daunting for many students. Bringing a math tutor to your home could be the […]

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June 25, 2024
Educational Independence: Honouring Canada Day with Calgary Home Tutoring

As Canada Day fast approaches, we are reminded of the great freedom, independence, and unique cultural fabric that define this magnificent country. It is a day when the nation revels in all things quintessentially Canadian, from maple leaves to ice hockey. Amidst this celebration, another type of independence to recognize is educational independence! We at […]

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June 7, 2024
7 Signs Your Child Would Benefit From a Junior High Math Home Tutor

Math is one of the most challenging school subjects for students to learn. Multiplication, addition, subtraction, division, trigonometry, algebra – it can all be so overwhelming. This is especially true if your child is not particularly adept with numbers. For this reason, having an in-house junior high school math tutor can be of tremendous help. […]

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May 15, 2024
8 Effective Tips to Excel in High School Math with Home Tutoring

Mathematics. It’s an essential subject that every child or adolescent must learn in school. However, it’s also one of the most complex subjects to understand. As a matter of fact, it’s estimated that 6 out of every 10 kids struggle with math, which equates to an unprecedented 617 million children who grapple with reaching a […]

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March 5, 2024
4 Effective Ways Students Can Improve Their English Language Arts Grades

English Language Arts (ELA) is a core subject that enriches a student’s understanding of the world and communication ability. However, ELA can be tricky to navigate. But don’t worry - there are many ways you can improve your grades, including seeking the guidance of an English language arts tutor to help. Here are four ways […]

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February 15, 2024
How Can Home Tutoring Help the Whole Family?

Home tutoring is not just an investment in your little one’s future; it’s a supportive framework for your entire family. At Calgary Home Tutoring, we understand the impact that personalized educational support can bring, especially in a world where class sizes are increasing and resources are lacking. Unsurprisingly, more parents are resorting to hiring an […]

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January 8, 2024
Math Magic for Kids: Creative Ways to Spark Your Child's Love for Math

Although many students say, “When will I ever use this?!” math is truly a part of our lives and helps us develop our critical thinking skills. But it's a familiar scene: not every student is naturally inclined to enjoy math. Many see mathematics as complex and challenging, and we at Calgary Home Tutoring are dedicated […]

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December 1, 2023
Happy Holidays From Calgary Home Tutoring

Happy holidays from all of us here at Calgary Home Tutoring! With another year of learning behind us, we’re excited about the new opportunities in the new year. And while the year is done, that doesn’t mean your child’s learning is. We appreciate the skills and hard work of our tutors. But we also value […]

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November 20, 2023
Celebrate National Child Day with Calgary Home Tutoring

As we approach National Child Day on November 20th, a day dedicated to honouring children’s rights, Calgary Home Tutoring is championing the cause through its commitment to personalized education.  This day, established in recognition of the United Nations' adoption of two documents dedicated to children's welfare, is a poignant reminder of the importance of providing […]

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October 5, 2023
Celebrate World Teachers’ Day with Calgary Home Tutoring

World Teachers’ Day (Oct.5th) is a time to appreciate and recognize teachers' incredible contributions to education and development around the globe. It is an excellent opportunity for students and parents to honour teachers and reflect on their invaluable role in shaping minds and futures. One of the best ways to ensure consistent educational growth is […]

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August 7, 2023
Reasons Why You Need ELA Home Tutor

English is a fundamental component of everyday life. It intersects many different areas of our development, such as comprehension, articulation, collaboration, etc. If your child needs help with their handle on English, an English home tutor is the solution.  Hiring an English home tutor comes with several benefits that can significantly impact and bolster your […]

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June 1, 2023
5 Reasons to Hire an English Elementary Home Tutor for Your Child

Are you considering hiring a home-tutoring English teacher for your little one? With ever-growing class sizes and diminishing teaching resources, more and more children need help. As a result, many parents are resorting to elementary school home tutoring. And it’s easy to see why; tutors offer many advantages; here are a few to consider. 1. […]

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October 4, 2022
Improve Your Child’s Academic Performance with Test Prep Tutoring

The assistance of a tutor goes a long way; even the most adept and proficient students require guidance. That’s why we at Calgary Home Tutoring offer many tutoring programs to support students. Moreover, our services assist elementary kids all the way through to high school students. One of our support initiatives includes test prep tutoring. […]

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August 8, 2022
3 Branches of Elementary School Science an In-House Tutor Will Cover

Life is complex, and that’s putting it mildly. It is infinitely complicated beyond belief. And one of the main tools we use to understand our reality is science. From microscopic particles to gargantuan planetary objects, science is our clarifying agent, allowing us to understand more of the world. This notion is crucial to your child’s […]

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July 8, 2022
3 Fundamentals an In-House English Tutor Will Cover With Your Child

There are over 7000 languages spoken in the world today.  And one of the most widely used languages is English. Moreover, English is one of the most challenging languages to learn. So if you’re child is having trouble understanding the basic rules and concepts related to English, it’s understandable.  That’s why we at Calgary Home […]

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June 9, 2022
5 Effective Ways to Improve Your Kids’ Study Skills

Every child must schedule time for studying. It is a quintessential aspect of child development that will help them to cultivate their talents, learn basic reading and writing skills, and yes, improve their academic performance. Study skills for kids are vital, as such, they should be developed if they are to yield the potential benefits.  […]

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March 14, 2022
What Will An In-House Tutor Cover For Elementary School Math?

Elementary subjects set the foundation for young students to tackle more complex concepts in the future. In-house math tutoring not only helps children who are struggling with Math, but also students who are proficient in math and want to learn how to approach equations in different ways or want to strengthen their skills further. An […]

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February 18, 2022
5 Simple Steps to Hire the Right In-House Social Studies Tutor

Every child has their own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to certain areas of study. Some children excel at science but don’t show much interest in language arts. Others may demonstrate a proclivity toward math but may not be very keen on physical education. Or some may convey a natural leaning toward geometry but […]

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January 14, 2022
How to Hire the Right In-House Science Tutor in Calgary

Science is everywhere. It’s in the stars when you gaze into the night sky, it’s in your body at the molecular level, it’s in the evolutionary process of every species on the planet. Yet, despite these engaging facts, science still remains a difficult study for many children to excel at. For this reason, having an […]

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December 14, 2021
Hiring the Right In-House English Tutor in Calgary

If your child is struggling with reading, writing, and other communicative forms of English, help is available in the form of a tutor. Tutoring is an ever-expanding segment within the marketplace. In fact, by 2026, the private tutoring market is projected to hit an estimated $201.8 billion.  So there’s absolutely no reason that your child […]

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November 15, 2021
Hiring the right in-house or online math tutor in Calgary

Math is a challenging subject for most people. And when it comes to children, this is even further exasperated. For this reason, if your child has been struggling with their math assignments, a tutor may be a great way to get them some help. Read on to learn more about how to find an in-house […]

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October 14, 2021
9 Benefits of Having a Private Social Studies Tutor

The private tutoring market is projected to grow to an estimated USD $279.3 billion by 2027. And when you look at the advantages tutors can offer their students, a hefty number such as this is not only validated, it’s justified. Moreover, one of the most commonly requested tutoring subjects is the topic of social studies. […]

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September 6, 2021
A guide for scoring well on the ACT

The ACT score ranges from 1-36 and there are specifics you’ll need to know about how the results are calculated. In the exam, there are four different sections: English Language and Composition - 1 point Math Reasoning Skills - 2 points Reading Comprehension & Essay Skills - 3 points Science Reasoning Test - Students have […]

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July 5, 2021
ACT vs SAT: What's the difference?

If you are wondering which is better for yourself or a student, you can choose whichever you would prefer or you feel more fit with. This assuming there are going to be testing centres for each test and where they are located. If you or your child are testing, you will want to know the […]

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June 15, 2021
Easy ways to practice and improve your English conversations

English is known as one of the hardest languages to learn in the world. There are so many words in the English language that mean the same thing. For instance, to “see something” or to “watch something” can mean two completely different things but the words, “see” and “watch” are both something you do with […]

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May 6, 2021
The benefits of hiring an online tutor for social studies

Unlike some subjects, such as math or science that involve hard facts and equations, social studies raise more questions than hard facts about a society’s history. It’s focused on human beings and interrelationships - and for students, this means lessons centred on critical thinking, reasoning, reading comprehension, and real-world understanding. Having a tutor by your […]

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April 13, 2021
6 tips to beat the time limit on the SAT reading

The idea of beating the clock on the SAT test is something that most people can do, however many people fail to answer all the questions by the skin of their nose. There are many students in the Calgary area that do not have the knowledge, tools, and resources to complete the SAT on time […]

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January 28, 2021
3 advantages of social studies tutoring for students

A common misconception about tutoring is that it’s mainly beneficial for subjects like Math and Science. However, did you know that having a social studies tutor can enhance the learning skills you need for other subjects? Keep reading to learn more about the three hidden benefits of social studies tutoring.  1. Enhances critical thinking skills […]

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January 12, 2021
3 signs your child needs a science tutor

It’s not uncommon for children to find a test or science curriculum challenging. In fact, a challenge can be a good thing to help strengthen skills and encourage learning. However, there is some specific behaviour to look for that indicate a child needs help beyond what they’re given.  The question is - when is it […]

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November 18, 2020
5 benefits of an online English tutor

Educational landscaping is changing. More people are relying on online tutors and taking advantage of the convenience and innovation that technology provides. While tutors have traditionally taught students face-to-face, online English tutoring presents unique benefits for both the student and the teacher. Let’s take a closer look at some of the advantages of hiring a […]

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October 23, 2020
Is ACT online prep effective for achieving a perfect score?

When it comes to ACT test preps, there is no shortage of resources out there to help set you up for success. However, not all of them are effective or useful. You may be spending too much time on material that is not moving the needle towards your goals. With any test prep, you’ll need […]

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October 1, 2020
5 Benefits of Online SAT Tutoring

Tutoring is traditionally known as face-to-face interaction with teachers and students. In recent years, the landscape of tutoring has changed drastically. The methods of education have adapted to the digital age and include sophisticated online tutoring that continues to evolve and improve. Today, we’re talking about 1-1 online tutoring for SAT test prep and five […]

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August 25, 2020
Which Online Whiteboard is Better for English Tutoring?

For online English tutoring at home, students and teachers alike need a place where they can collaborate, share screens, draw, create diagrams, and send images. A shared document with back-and-forth emails simply won’t do the job. Below, we’ve listed a few online digital whiteboards that make online English tutoring at home a more effective and […]

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July 28, 2020
What are The Best Online Tutoring Applications & Tools?

The growing popularity of home tutoring online is attributed to the many positive benefits it brings to students and educators alike. Students can go at their own pace and educators enjoy the convenience of teaching in the comfort of their own home and the time saved from commuting. Although online tutoring is proven to be […]

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June 19, 2020
What Online Whiteboard is Best for Math Tutoring?

An online whiteboard is recommended for simulating a physical classroom for students taking online math tutoring. The good news is, today’s technology has significantly revolutionized online classrooms around the world. A quality online whiteboard is one that is simple to use for both the student and the teacher, enhances the learning experience, and allows the […]

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September 10, 2019
Preparing for SAT and ACT exams with Calgary Home Tutoring

Are you or the student in your life working towards preparing for their SAT or ACT exams? Preparation courses offered through Calgary Home Tutoring are a comprehensive, one on one way to prepare students for these challenging exams. Our SAT and ACT exam preparation courses will teach students beneficial test-taking skills, and improve and enhance […]

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January 15, 2019
High hopes for new Alberta curriculum!

Alberta education recently announced the first draft of our brand spanking new curriculum, starting with grades K-4.  The rest of the grades will follow on a yearly basis with the gr 5-8 draft being released next December, 3 subject areas of grades 9-10 in Dec 2020...

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